Trip to aaritapatti
Today I will like to share my trip to arittapatti, I with my father along with my birding friend and senior to me Mr.rameshwaran sir decided and made an trip on 25.12.2018.so we started our journey early morning and travelled towards madurai,tamilnadu with an middle tea break.And before the toll gate of madurai.we took an right and traveled towards arritapatti..trip to aaritapatti
And after reaching, we contacted our native birdwatching friends in that village and we started our journey in exploring the beauty of that village..while on the way we passed an lake which got abundant fish, small crabby due to insufficiency of rain in that area this year there is an very low water were there and as usual the birds which will usually present in any waterbodies such as cormorants ,heron,egrets,kingfisher ,and beside of the lake ,the people of that village were farming..And the beauty of that village is that we cannot be passed unless crossing the village people.
And later I went inside towards an mountain as guided by my friend, and along the walk there was a very thick scrub forest and it is filled with warbler, babblers,malkoha,starlings,myna and so on …for the check list please check out my website checklist column..And let we get back to our field..And on my way I just saw an glare hole with an trunk of an tree in mountain..i just felt of something.so I just zoomed with my 600mm lens and it was shocking and surprised that I spotted an Indian eagle owl ,and after taking some photos ..we continued are trekking
And another fascinating and interesting thing that happens was there is an pregreion falcon which was flying like an jet in the sky and so it was spotted by my friends and later on I came to know that it is an usual siting which is more complicated in other biriding spots ..but that was an unlucky day to me because if not I would click an photo of the falcon but its just an one minute siting and later on we just started to trekking
And after birding was ended ..we sat up talked with our friends and later on it came to know that there are high pouching was taking place in that site and the people were educated about an necessity of saving the nature and the people are also taking efforts by protecting of any foreign intruder into the site.since I am a close of them, they had permitted itseems..And its also been asked to declare as an important biodiversity spot and so paper are submitted in the biodiversity board
And due to the presence of the mountain, the village people are getting rain (in the concept of rain shadow region in geography)and some water source by the mountain and so there are worshiping as an god for them and they know the importance of them and so they giving their full effort in taking every action to conserve the nature and birds
The village was present as we see in our old movie ,and it was really surprised because I am not raised in village ,i am a city brought up and so its looks so pleasant with natural wind ,no man made sound or traffic sound or anything, it appears like some island which is isolated from whole world.And another interesting fact is that its situated just 30+ km away from the main Madurai city
And so I ended up with a good experience with minimal shots and returned to home with my heart left behind in the aaritapatti